Social Media for Authors: The Budget Edition
Instructor: Lisa Rabey
Start Date: Sunday, February 2, 2025
End Date: Friday, February 28, 2025
Duration: 4 Weeks
USD Fee: A2P Member – $10; Non-Member – $25
Class Description
How are you to write your best novel ever if you spend all your time promoting yourself online? Even worse, creating and maintaining your online presence can be overwhelming, time consuming, and sometimes expensive. Social Media for Authors: The Budget Edition solves that problem for you. Lisa Rabey will walk you through tips, tricks, and tools, from creating a content calendar to doing a social media audit so you’ll always be ahead of the game. You’ll be spending more time writing your best novel ever while keeping your community engaged.
Lisa Rabey is Nerd Girl Industries. She has taught classes from information literacy to social media for nearly 20 years. Lisa is dedicated to creating a better online experience for everyone. NGI offers social media management, content creation and strategy, tailored research, website management, instruction, and so much more! Lisa is also a writer, bookseller, and librarian. Her work is published in Backward Trajectory, tiny wren lit, 50-Word Stories, the drabble, and others.