Instructor: Meredith Bond
Start Date: Monday, January 20, 2025
End Date: Friday, January 31, 2025
Duration: 2 Weeks
USD Fee: A2P Member – $10; Non-Member – $25
Class Description
Day One: Introduction; A: Anyone can self-publish
Day Two: B: Building a schedule; E: Enlisting the help of others
Day Three: D: Deciding what goes in: all the pretty pieces
Day Four: F: Formatting, an introduction; I: Ideas for making your book look professional; L: Layout
Day Five: G: Getting started formatting; H: Formatting with HTML; J: Formatting with Jutoh; O: Other Programs that can be used for formatting
Day Six: S: Formatting for Smashwords; P: Print-on-Demand Formatting
Day Seven: C: Your cover
Day Eight: U: Uploading your masterpiece
Day Nine: M: Beginning marketing; Y: You; V: Your virtual presence
Day Ten: Live Zoom Meeting Q: All questions answered (to the best of my ability). Existential questions such as “What is the meaning of life” and “Why?” will be answered, but I should remind you, I am a writer of fiction. –Meredith Bond
Meredith Bond is an award-winning romance author. She has been both traditionally and self-published, and has written forty books including three works of non-fiction. After teaching writing and self-publishing since 2005 both in person and online, she now owns and runs her own formatting and coaching business, Anessa Books, where she not only makes the words of her clients look beautiful on page and screen, but guides authors through the sometimes complicated process of writing and self-publishing.